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Yesterday on the mountain, to-morrow in the woods, marching ten leagues during the night, hiding for days in succession in the nearest cave the Bagauder knows not to-day where he will be to-morrow." "It must, then, be a lucky accident that would make one run across them?" "A lucky accident for good people, an unlucky one for counts, bishops or tax-collectors!"

"But why, then, did you follow us in Vagrery?" "Did you not hear my answer to Bishop Cautin: 'It is not the well but the sick who stand in need of the physician?" "Would you blame me for being a Vagre, and would you blame our father for having been a Bagauder?"

"Well, my father was a Bagauder in his youth; later, after the Franks christened us 'Vagres, he became a Vagre. The name was changed, the pursuit remained the same." "And your mother?" "In Vagrery one knows but little of his mother. I never knew mine. The furthest back that I can carry my memory, I must have been seven or eight years old.

I write these lines ten years after my father's death, and have never had any tidings of my poor son Karadeucq. He probably met his death in the adventurous life of a Bagauder. Britanny preserves her independence, the Franks dare not attack us. All the other provinces of Gaul have remained under the yoke of the bishops and the sons of Clovis.

"And then, fire to the episcopal villa and to the sack!" "Freedom to the slaves!" "We shall take with us the young girls, who will follow us gladly!" "Long live love and the Vagrery!" cried Ronan, saying which he struck up the song: "My father was a Bagauder, and I a Vagre am; born under the green foliage as any bird in May. "Where is my mother? I do not know, forsooth! "A Vagre has no wife.

Huge logs of beech and oak burn in the fireplace, seeing that outside the cold is intense. While each pursues his work in silence they cast from time to time inquisitive looks at Ronan, the Vagre son of the Bagauder. "Uncle," says Ronan, "did you read through the narrative that I gave you yesterday?" "Yes, and all the rest of us here assembled heard it read.