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"That's no matter who wins the election. They can't any of them get along without the Navy, and they bloody well know it." Trask wanted to know if Intelligence had been getting anything. "Not on how Dunnan found out the Victrix had been ordered to Audhumla, no," Shefter said.

And somebody else, probably a stooge of Makann's, was claiming that Bentrik had sold the Victrix to the Space Vikings and that the films of the battle of Audhumla were fakes, photographed in miniature at the Navy Moon Base. Admiral Shefter, when Trask flew in to see him the next day, was contemptuous about this last.

The tall and handsome Roman lady only shrugged her shoulders slightly in answer to this not very kindly-meant speech; but Verus said, while he picked up Sabina's silken coverlet, and carefully spread it over her knees: "My happiest fortune consists in this: that Venus Victrix favors me.

"Victrix causa diis placuit, sed victa puellis." When he got into the middle of the town, they all set on him at once, to show him his way; or rather, to show him that he did not know his way; for as for asking him what way he wanted to go, no one ever thought of that. But one pulled him hither, and another poked him thither, and a third cried

It would only be when she was growing old that she would feel the loneliness of knowing that, apart from the passion which she had inspired because of her sex and her beauty, not a single human being had ever loved her. For the present she was Venus Victrix, a glorious creature, the desired of men and that was enough. Mr.

"Those that want any kind of jobs." "You need all your people for fighting men, don't you?" the boy count asked. "Well, we need a good many. The smallest of our ships will carry five hundred men; most of them around eight hundred." The captain lifted an eyebrow. The complement of the Victrix had been three hundred, and she'd been a big ship. Then he nodded. "Of course.