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Updated: August 4, 2024

Now, this theory about the wondrous influence of habitual sights and sounds upon the human temper, was suggested by my experiences on board our frigate. And al-though I regard the example furnished by our quarter-gunners especially him who had once been our top-mate as by far the strongest argument in favour of the general theory; yet, the entire ship abounded with illustrations of its truth.

Now, there can be little doubt, that their being so much among the guns is the very thing that makes a gunner's gang so cross and quarrelsome. Indeed, this was once proved to the satisfaction of our whole company of main-top-men. A fine top-mate of ours, a most merry and companionable fellow, chanced to be promoted to a quarter-gunner's berth.

There was a seaman belonging to the fore-top a mess-mate, though not a top-mate of mine, and no favourite of the Captain's, who, for certain venial transgressions, had been prohibited from going ashore on liberty when the ship's company went.

"By Heaven!" thrillingly whispered Jack Chase, who stood by, "it's only a halter; I'll strike him!" "Better not," said a top-mate; "it's death, or worse punishment, remember." "There goes the lash!" cried Jack. "Look at the old man! By G -d, I can't stand it! Let me go, men!" and with moist eyes Jack forced his way to one side.

No; I told my good top-mate to go away with his four thumbs, I would have nothing to do with them; two thumbs were enough for any man. For some time after completing my jacket, and getting the furniture and household stores in it; I thought that nothing could exceed it for convenience.

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