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I'd like to know why, says the parson. 'He 'shall' set on eggs, and hatch 'em too. "'O doctor! says Huldy, all in a tremble; 'cause, you know, she didn't want to contradict the minister, and she was afraid she should laugh, 'I never heard that a tom-turkey would set on eggs.

'Never mind whether I come from Maine or whether I come from Jaffy, says I, 'I come from sech a quarter of this 'arth as whar' coots is jest coots, says I." "Ye'd orter see the coots in Californy," wailed the voice of the shifty spectre on the outskirts. "Kind o' resemblin' cows in size, ain't they, Pershal?" "No, no; the biggest I ever seen was the size o' Shamgar's tom-turkey; but plenty?

But Hepsey, she was in one o' her contrary streaks, an' she wouldn't do a thing; an' when I went out to look, why, sure 'nuff, there was our old tom-turkey froze as stiff as a stake his claws jist a stickin' right straight up like this." Here Sam struck an expressive attitude, and looked so much like a frozen turkey as to give a pathetic reality to the picture.

Ye see, the old doctor was used to carryin' his p'ints o' doctrine; and he hadn't fit the Arminians and Socinians to be beat by a tom-turkey; so finally he made a dive, and ketched him by the neck in spite o' his floppin', and stroked him down, and put Huldy's apron 'round him.

"'Do, Huldy? says the parson: 'why, there's the other turkey, out there by the door; and a fine bird, too, he is. Sure enough, there was the old tom-turkey a struttin' and a sidlin' and a quitterin, and a floutin' his tail-feathers in the sun, like a lively young widower, all ready to begin life over agin. "'But, says Huldy, 'you know he can't set on eggs. "'He can't?

Lordy massy! you might as well 'a' tried to get it out an old tom-turkey, that'll strut and gobble and quitter, and drag his wings on the ground, and fly at you, but won't say nothin'. Quassy she screeched her queer sort o' laugh; and she told 'em that they was a makin' fools o' themselves, and that the cap'n's matters wa'n't none o' their bisness; and that was true enough.