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"Here," offered Astro, "put these on." "Gloves?" asked Roger, in a voice of mock surprise. "I thought this was going to be a battle of blood." "Any way you want it, Manning. Any way at all," said Tom. "You're going to use gloves," growled Astro. "I don't want anybody killed." He threw a pair at each of them. "There'll be three-minute rounds, with one minute rest," he continued.

He fathomed their design at once, swung the Ithuriel rapidly round to the northward, and said to his lieutenant, who had just come on deck "Mr. Marston, those fellows mean mischief. Put a three-minute time fuze on a couple of No. 3 fire-shell, and load the bow guns." The order was at once executed.

Something tells me I'll be a grandmother in another two years. Girls aren't letting men like Jock run around loose. He'll be gobbled up. Just you wait." "Oh, I don't know," drawled Buck mischievously. "You've just said he's a headstrong young cub. He strikes me as the kind who'd raise the dickens if his three-minute egg happened to be five seconds overtime."

Of course this proposition was accepted; and Bert soon had the satisfaction of seeing the great ambition of his youth accomplished. A three-minute story for the littlest boys and girls. It was nearly time for Thanksgiving Day. The rosy apples and golden pumpkins were ripe, and the farmers were bringing them into the markets.

Over a part of the level turf road I should estimate that we drove at about a three-minute gait; but after traversing some four or five miles, we turned south into a narrow road, which soon became hilly and tortuous; yet even here it was only on particularly rough or uneven portions of the way that the doctor moderated our speed to less than a four-minute gait.