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Accordingly, he has met with some exacerbated decriers, and with very few thorough-going defenders. In particular the variety of the books, and their vividness, are both extraordinary. And perhaps the greatest notes of the novel generally, as well as those in which the novel of this period can most successfully challenge comparison with those of any other, are, or should be, vividness and variety.

Thorough-going players, ever since 1786, the time at which public gaming-houses were established, the true players whom the government dreaded, and who ate up, to use a gambling term, the money of the bank, never played in any other way. But before attaining this measure of experience they lost fortunes.

The lack of general education today, would render any attempt at the establishment of a thorough-going democracy insecure. Francisco Ferrer, although idealized abroad, has been no more than a symptom in Spain.

But the remark must be made that our existing methods of framing, executing, and expounding criminal laws are merely an illustration of the extent to which the state governments, under the influence of traditional legal and political preconceptions, have subordinated the collective social interest to that of the possible individual criminal; and no thorough-going reform will be possible until these traditional preconceptions have themselves been abandoned, and a system substituted which makes the state the efficient friend of the collective public interest and the selected individual.

He who has property scattered over four continents and watches with absorbing interest all movements upon the political and economic stage may nevertheless be a thorough-going egoist. The breadth of his horizon will not redeem him.

Wordly-wise, indolent, good-natured and, like most Southerners, a thorough-going pagan, Don Francesco was deservedly popular as ecclesiastic. Women adored him; he adored women.

The Bavarian soldiers in Gerbéviller were not only murderers they were incendiaries, even more deliberate and thorough-going than the soldiers of Von Kluck's army at Senlis.

One can perfectly well understand why Capt. Such a downright thorough-going Tory and Anti-reformer, pretending to judge of the workings of the American democratical system, was naturally held to be a monstrous abomination, and it has been visited accordingly, both in America, and as I understand, with us also. The experience which Capt.

As to its being a liberty, I told him it was one which only a brave thorough-going friend would have taken. I feel as if it might be the saving of his life. Theodora bent down to help little Anna, and said, 'You know it is Sir Antony Fotheringham's son that Miss Gardner married?

American national independence was to be won, not by means of a perverse opposition to European intellectual and moral influence, but by a positive and a thorough-going devotion to our own national democratic ideal.