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Toimes, Oi see me a'moos' losin' tempeh." I turned away my face to conceal my emotion. Sollicker went on

"I believe you're Viscount Canterbury's brother, on the wrong side of the blanket." "Keep 'e tempeh; keep 'e tempeh," said he deprecatingly, as the poison filtered through his system. "Zpeak 'e moind feear atwixt man an' man. Bea n't Oi a-diewin' wot Oi be a-peead f'r diewin'? Coomh!" "Well, you are a rum character," I remarked, judiciously assisting the action of the virus.

But Fannie and Barbara were busy tiptoeing for peach blossoms. "Good-morning, Brother March; won't you 'light? I declare I don't know which you manage best, yo' horse aw yo' tempeh!" The parson laughed heartily to indicate that, however doubtful the compliment, his intentions were kind.

Starches Proteins Fats Sugars Watery Vegetables bread meats butter honey zucchini potatoes eggs oils fruit green beans noodles fish lard sugar tomatoes manioc/yuca most nuts nuts molassas peppers baked goods dry beans avocado malt syrup eggplant grains nut butters maple syrup radish winter squash split peas dried fruit rutabaga parsnips lentils melons turnips sweet potatoes soybeans carrot juice Brussels sprouts yams tofu beet juice celery taro root tempeh cauliflower plantains wheat grass juice broccoli beets "green" drinks okra spirulina lettuce algae endive yeast cabbage dairy carrots

"You'll spy upon a membeh of my family, will you, seh!" he stormed. "Out with you, bag and baggage, befo' I lose my tempeh and forget what is due to this young lady you have insulted, seh, with your infamous proposals! Faveh me instantly, while you have a leg to run with! Go!" Jastrow disappeared; and when the door closed behind him Virginia faced her irate clan-chief bravely.