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Shelley here describes himself under a profusion of characteristics, briefly defined: it may be interesting to summarize them, apart from the other details with which they are interspersed.

We can summarize the matter by saying that concentration upon one's business and service implies that one should not attempt to make money elsewhere. This concentration on one's affairs therefore grows into a sort of practical system in which each member of the business community is looking after some function or activity to the exclusion of other things.

We may well here summarize these other changes in function: The respiratory movement becomes shallow and thoracic in type. The volume of the air inspired per minute is lessened by one-half to two-thirds. The output of carbonic acid is diminished by the same amount. The bodily temperature falls. The acidity of the cortex of the brain disappears.

Iron is daily being put to more and more varied uses. On land the great question is what will prevent rust; on water, what will prevent rust and fouling of bottoms of iron vessels. We will briefly summarize the many patents granted for this purpose. Eight are for sheathing of various kinds put on in varied modes. The most practicable of these is a system prepared by Daft.

We ought to have regular periods of rest; we ought to avoid unpleasant topics in conversation. Everyone should have a vocation as well as an avocation. May we not summarize all these suggestions into a few statements which will enable us to co-ordinate work and play, and aid us in our daily lives to obey the principles that should govern us from our first waking moments? Every Day: 1.

Written so as to be intelligible enough in themselves, the tendency of many of them is towards the fundamental idea on which his system is based. It may therefore be convenient to summarize that idea in a couple of sentences; more especially as Schopenhauer sometimes writes as if his advice had been followed and his readers were acquainted with the whole of his work.

We may summarize it under three heads: It is much simpler and less worrisome, usually, to tell the truth. A lie is apt to be scantly on our guard; and one lie is very likely to need propping by others. We are led easily into deep waters, and discover "what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive."

He asked of men that which they find it most difficult to give moderation, common-sense, a willingness to look at both sides, and to subordinate their egoisms to a wider good; and he was content to do without their worship. It is now possible to summarize the movement towards autonomy so far as it was affected by the governors-general of the transition period.

Not wishing to delve too far into my past or relate what would be mundane and disconnected with my story, I will summarize with brevity what my situation was. I was a military man, an Air force pilot to be exact, and was on active duty patrolling the no-fly zones off the coast of China, it being, at that time, an area of very high tensions.

Disordered "genius" and inspiration undisciplined by reason are alike powerless to produce images that permanently satisfy the sense of beauty. Tolstoy's common- sense remark is surely sound: "One's writing is good only where the intelligence and the imagination are in equilibrium. A Summary Let us now endeavor to summarize this testimony which we have taken from poets and critics.