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Wal, one o' them two was Stutter's catch, a high-kickin' Mexican dancin' gal down ter San Juan. I ain't goin' ter tell yer what I think o' her fer fear o' gittin' perforated. She hed 'long with her another performer, a darn good-looker, too, as near as I could make out in the dark. Wal, them two gals was purtendin' ter be huntin' arter you; wanted ter warn yer agin Farnham, er some sich rot.

"Do you want to be licked into the bargain?" "Oh, very well," said Wibberly, with a last fond thought of Stutter's good bill of fare. "But, I say, you needn't give us lines, Bloomfield." "I've nothing to do with giving you lines. That's the captain's affair." "What do you mean? Do you mean to say you'll report us to Riddell?" "Of course. He's the captain."

"A-a-afraid nothin'," and Stutter's freckled face became instantly as rosy as his admired hair, "b-but I t-tell ye, miss, it's a-a-all d-dirt down th-there, an' not f-f-fit fer no lady ter t-t-traipse round in." The temptress, never once doubting her power, smiled most bewitchingly, her hands eloquent. "You vas good boy, just like I tink; I wear dis ol' coat see; an' den I turn up de skirt, so.

It was not a very uncommon offence, or perhaps a very terrible one, but it was an offence which monitors were bound to report. "Where are you off to?" demanded Bloomfield, encountering these two deserters. "Oh, it's all right," said Wibberly, "we've been called over. We're only going to Stutter's study." "Go back at once," said Bloomfield, "and go to the captain after six." Wibberly laughed.