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Of moths, too, there are great numbers, among them, the Erebus strix, the largest of its family, sometimes measuring nearly a foot in expanse of wing. In the open sunny spots the bright air is often alive with superb dragonflies. Upwards of one hundred species are found near Para. Some live only in the gloom of the forest.

Astur approximans, VIG. and HORSF. Novae-Hollandiae, VIG. and HORSF.? Accipiter torquatus, VIG. and HORSF. Buteo melanosternon, GOULD. Milvus isurus, GOULD. affinis, GOULD. Elanus axillaris. scripta, GOULD. Circus assimilis, JARD. Jardinii, GOULD. Strix personata, VIG. delicatulis, GOULD. Athene connivens. Boobook Hirundo neoxena, GOULD. Cotyle pyrrhonota. Acanthylis caudacuta.

Sclater, informs me that this is the case with the Strix punctatissima and Pyrocephalus nanus; and probably with the Otus galapagoensis and Zenaida galapagoensis: so that the number of endemic birds is reduced to twenty-three, or probably to twenty-one. Mr. We will now turn to the order of reptiles, which gives the most striking character to the zoology of these islands.

Sclater, informs me that this is the case with the Strix punctatissima and Pyrocephalus nanus; and probably with the Otus Galapagoensis and Zenaida Galapagoensis: so that the number of endemic birds is reduced to twenty-three, or probably to twenty-one. Mr. Sclater thinks that one or two of these endemic forms should be ranked rather as varieties than species, which always seemed to me probable.

Stretch, Mr., on the numerical proportion in the sexes of chickens. Stridulation, by males of Theridion; of Hemiptera; of the Orthoptera and Homoptera discussed; of beetles. Stripes, retained throughout groups of birds; disappearance of, in adult mammals. Strix flammea. Structure, existence of unserviceable modifications of. Struggle for existence, in man.

The most prominent are Strix, Puck, Söndags-Nisse, Kasper and Nya Nisse. They are small and comparatively insignificant, and sell for two and one-half cents a copy. They satirize politicians with good humor, and their cartoons are based upon current events.