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I was in the position of a man who attempts to copy a picture without possessing the slightest notion of drawing and painting. In the absence of a professor to instruct me, I was compelled to create the principles of the science I wished to study. In the first place, I recognized the fundamental principle of sleight-of- hand, that the organs performing the principal part are the sight and touch.

The episodes following, from experiences well authenticated, merely illustrate what sleight-of- hand experts have long known that most "mediums," "astrologers," "mind readers," and the like, can be proven to be frauds. Some of the cleverness displayed is marvelous, as the following pages show.

He was a real sleight-of- hand man, and the anvil was his orchestra. Yates soon began to enjoy his visit to the rural club. As the members thawed out he found them all first-rate fellows, and, what was more, they were appreciative listeners. His stories were all evidently new to them, and nothing puts a man into a genial frame of mind so quickly as an attentive, sympathetic audience.

His hands were shaky, however, and when he untied the thongs he was mortified at spilling some of the precious yellow particles. Mortification changed to anger when the owner cried, sharply: "Hey! Got cashier's ague, have you? Just cut out the sleight-of- hand!" Pierce smothered a retort; silently he brushed the dust back into the blower and set the weights upon his scales.

Wopsle as Revenge, throwing his bloodstained sword in thunder down, and taking the war-renouncing trumpet with a withering look." There may be a club for making things out of the Beard books, for the study of sleight-of- hand, for exchanging postcards with children in other countries and reading about the places on them.