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"I reckon ye know, too, ez Loralindy hed no eyes nor ears fur ennybody else whilst he war hyar but then he war good-lookin' an' saaft-spoken fur true! An' now he hev writ a letter ter her!" Crann grinned as Kinnicutt inadvertently gasped. "How do you uns know that!" the young man hoarsely demanded, with a challenging accent of doubt, yet prescient despair.

"Ez I couldn't find a wife fur myself, I can't undertake ter recommend one ter my nephew. Mighty fine boy he'd hev been, an' saaft-spoken an' perlite ter aged men not sassy an' makin' game o' old uncles like a niece. Mighty fine boy!" "Ye air welcome ter him," she said, with a simulation of scorn, as she turned away to the table.

Her eyes filled with tears, and the irradiated iris shone through them with a liquid lustre. She could not speak. Her mother took ephemeral advantage of his softening mood. "Ye useter be mighty perlite and saaft-spoken in them days, Tobe," she ventured. "I hed ter be," he admitted, frankly, "'kase thar war sech a many o' them mealy-mouthed cusses a-waitin' on 'Genie.

She rose as if for departure, and he put his foot in the stirrup. "I wish ye wouldn't be so harsh ter me, Narcissa," he said meekly. "Waal, thar be a heap o' saaft-spoken gals ter be hed fur the askin'. Ye kin take yer ch'ice." And with this he was fain to be content, as he mounted and rode reluctantly away.