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Updated: August 22, 2024

Take Pepper-Mint six handfuls, cut it a little, and infuse it two Days in six Quarts of clean Spirit; then draw it off in a cold Still, marking every Bottle, as it fills, with a Number, for the first Bottle will be far the strongest, the second less strong, and the third weaker than the second; and so as we draw off more, they will be still weaker, till at last it becomes almost insipid, and somewhat sourish, but take none of that; then cover the Mouth of your Bottles with Papers prick'd full of Holes, and let them stand a Day or two; then pour your first Bottle into a large earthen glaz'd Pan; and to that the second, and then the third, and the fourth, and so on, till by mixing they all become of a sufficient strength; then put them in Bottles, with a Knob or two of double-refin'd Loaf-Sugar, and cork them close.

The cuss o' Crom'll lie heavy on ye for mistreatin' a poor, lone widdy woman! "'Well, ma'am, says I, 'I wouldn't take the loss of the money to heart. When the gentleman sees your face he won't care. Usually, you can kinder edge around the rough places with that game of talk. But it didn't go here. "'Aggh, g'wan, ye bald-headed ol' pepper-mint lozenger! she hollers.

And this way you may likewise bake or stew a Leg of Beef, or an Ox-Cheek, only break the Bones of the Leg of Beef, and take out all the Bones of the Ox-Cheek, and take especially Care to clean it, for it requires some nicety to do it well. Pepper-Mint Water, From the same.

This herb is an ingredient also in the three alexitereal waters; and its essential oil in the stomach plaster and stomach pills. Lewis's Mat. Med. MENTHA Piperita. PEPPER-MINT. Herb. L. E. D. The leaves have a more penetrating smell than any of the other mints, and a much warmer, pungent, glowing taste like pepper, sinking as it were into the tongue.

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