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+807+. Another Italian goddess, Minerva, stood, probably, in the earlier time for the simpler arts of a simple community she was the patroness of manual work and of the healing art. The expression omnis Minervae homo, descriptive of a man capable in his line of work, almost reduces her to an abstract idea.

She had not even known that a living wife was being displaced till her arrival at Knapwater put retreat out of the question, and had looked upon personation simply as a mode of subsistence a degree better than toiling in poverty and alone, after a bustling and somewhat pampered life as housekeeper in a gay mansion. 'Non illa colo calathisve Minervae Foemineas assueta manus. Mr.

In short, if they are Birds of any Parts or Capacity, she will undertake to render them so accomplish'd in the Compass of a Twelve-month, that they shall be fit Conversation for such Ladies as love to chuse their Friends and Companions out of this Species. No. 37. Thursday, April 12, 1711. Addison. ... Non illa colo calathisve Minervae Foemineas assueta manus ... Virg.

Nobilitate patriae Britanniae, Seculi nostri Sulpitiae, Cui nomen dant litterae illibati Minervae floris Suadae decoris Musarum delicii Foeminarum exempli. Strahov Monastery has, I hope, passed through its vicissitudes and has entered at last into an existence of undisturbed usefulness.

PEUTINGER'S CHART Showing ancient road rounding the headland and terminating at "Templum Minervae." For the structure is therein marked not at the Punta Campanella but, approximately, at Ierate itself, facing south, with the road from Stabiae over Surrentum rounding the promontory and terminating at the temple's threshold.