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Disuse, effects of, in producing rudimentary organs; and use of parts, effects of; of parts, influence of, on the races of men. Divorce, freedom of, among the Charruas. Dixon, E.S., on the pairing of different species of geese; on the courtship of peafowl. Dobrizhoffer, on the marriage-customs of the Abipones. Dobson, Dr., on the Cheiroptera; scent-glands of bats; frugivorous bats.

Junonia, sexual differences of colouring in species of. Jupiter, comparison with Assyrian effigies. Kaffir skull, occurrence of the diastema in a. Kaffirs, their cruelty to animals; lice of the; colour of the; engrossment of the handsomest women by the chiefs of the; marriage-customs of the. Kalij-pheasant, drumming of the male; young of. Kallima, resemblance of, to a withered leaf.

Bunting, reed, head feathers of the male; attacked by a bullfinch. Buntings, characters of young. Buphus coromandus, sexes and young of; change of colour in. Burchell, Dr., on the zebra; on the extravagance of a Bushwoman in adorning herself; celibacy unknown among the savages of South Africa; on the marriage-customs of the Bushwomen. Burke, on the number of species of man.

Burmese, colour of the beard in. Burton, Captain, on negro ideas of female beauty; on a universal ideal of beauty. Bushmen, marriage among. Bushwoman, extravagant ornamentation of a. Bushwomen, hair of; marriage-customs of. Bustard, throat-pouch of the male; humming noise produced by a male; Indian, ear-tufts of.

Shells, difference in form of, in male and female Gasteropoda; beautiful colours and shapes of. Shield-drake, pairing with a common duck; New Zealand, sexes and young of. Shooter, J., on the Kaffirs; on the marriage-customs of the Kaffirs. Shrew-mice, odour of. Shrike, Drongo. Shrikes, characters of young. Shuckard, W.E., on sexual differences in the wings of Hymenoptera.

Botocudos, mode of life of; disfigurement of the ears and lower lip of the. Boucher de Perthes, J.C. de, on the antiquity of man. Bourbon, proportion of the sexes in a species of Papilio from. Bourien on the marriage-customs of the savages of the Malay Archipelago. Bovidae, dewlaps of. Bower-birds, habits of the; ornamented playing-places of. Bows, use of.

Clarke, on the marriage-customs of Kalmucks. Classification. Claus, C., on the sexes of Saphirina. Cleft-palate, inherited. Climacteris erythrops, sexes of. Climate, cool, favourable to human progress; power of supporting extremes of, by man; want of connexion of, with colour; direct action of, on colours of birds. Cloaca, existence of a, in the early progenitors of man.

Marriage-customs have always been a fertile field for the generation of taboos. It seems doubtful whether anything like absolute promiscuity ever prevailed among the human race, but there is much to show that wide choice and intercourse were common among primitive folk and that the tendency of later marriage custom has been on the whole to LIMIT this range of choice.

Malay, Archipelago, marriage-customs of the savages of the. Malays, line of separation between the Papuans and the; general beardlessness of the; staining of the teeth among; aversion of some, to hairs on the face. Malays and Papuans, contrasted characters of.

Wilckens, Dr., on the modification of domestic animals in mountainous regions; on a numerical relation between the hairs and excretory pores in sheep. Wilder, Dr. Burt, on the greater frequency of supernumerary digits in men than in women. Williams, on the marriage-customs of the Fijians.