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I was not bound by the laws of war to give notice of the shelling of Atlanta, a "fortified town, with magazines, arsenals, founderies, and public stores;" you were bound to take notice. See the books. This is the conclusion of our correspondence, which I did not begin, and terminate with satisfaction. I am, with respect, your obedient servant, W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General commanding.

I determined, therefore, to bring from it all available forces, leaving enough only to secure what had been gained; and accordingly, on the 22d, I directed that they be sent forward, under command of Major-General W. F. Smith, to join the Army of the Potomac.

The best answer is General Sherman's present position, and the valuable services he is rendering to the country. I have the fullest confidence in him. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. W. HALLECK, Major-General. On returning to St.

I do not believe General Banks will make any serious attack on Port Hudson this spring. I am, etc., W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General. This is the letter which some critics have styled a "protest." We never had a council of war at any time during the Vicksburg campaign. We often met casually, regardless of rank or power, and talked and gossiped of things in general, as officers do and should.

The rain that had been falling all night gave no sign of stopping, but kept pouring down all day long, and the swamps and quicksands mired the horses, whether they marched in the roads or across the adjacent fields. "MAJOR-GENERAL SHERIDAN: "The heavy rain of to-day will make it impossible for us to do much until it dries up a little, or we get roads around our rear repaired.

That day four transports lay at Southampton Docks, to take on board Major-General Hildyard, with the first brigade of the first division of the army to be commanded by Sir Redvers Buller. The trains ran down to the wharf near the ships, the troops remaining in them until the usual officers, alighting, had placed the markers to indicate the positions for each company.

In that event, Howard's corps and the cavalry will pursue; all the rest will follow your route. I will be down early in the morning. Try to strike him if possible about the forks of the road. Hooker must be with you now, and you may send General Garrard by Summerville to threaten Rome and that flank. I will cause all the lines to be felt at once. W. T. SHERMAN, major-general commanding.

The destruction of those roads to such an extent that they cannot be used by the enemy in connection with Richmond during the remainder of the campaign is an important part of the plan of campaign. The latest information from Major-General Hunter represents him to be a few miles west of Lynchburg.

It so happened that, on the urgent solicitation of Van Winkle and of Governor Johnson; I had only a few days before agreed to accept the commission of major-general of the Second Division of Militia, embracing San Francisco. I had received the commission, but had not as yet formally accepted it, or even put myself in communication with the volunteer companies of the city.

Upon the completion of the work assigned you, you will rejoin this army. "The chief quartermaster was directed yesterday to supply you with the implements and material for the destruction of railroads obtained for General Sheridan. "HEADQUARTERS CAVALRY FORCES, Mount Sinai Church, June 21, 1864 6 P.M. "MAJOR-GENERAL HUMPHREYS," "Chief-of-Staff.