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Updated: August 6, 2024

He was sort of takin' count o' the critters that done got kilt by the railroad kyahs." "That so?" said Sarah Ann, somewhat mollified. "I reckon so," said Jim Bowles. "I 'lowed I'd ast Cunnel Blount 'bout that sometime. 0' co'se it don't bring Muley back, but then " "No, hit don't," said Sarah Ann, resuming her original position.

My God, woman!" this with sudden energy, "do you think I kin bring a cow to life that's been kilt by the old railroad kyahs? I ain't no 'vangelist." "You kain't bring old Muley to life," said Sarah Ann Bowles, "but then " "Well, but then! But whut? Whut you goin' to do? I reckon you do whut you do, huh! You just walk the track and come heah after melk, I reckon, if you want it.

"He seems to make a sort of specialty of bear, doesn't he? Got a pretty good pack, eh?" "Pack? I should say we has! We got the bestest b'ah pack in Miss'ippi, er in de whole worl'. We sho' is fixed up fer huntin'. But, now, look heah, two three days ago the railroad kyahs done run ovah a fine colt whut de Cunnel was raisin' fer a saddle hoss kilt it plumb daid. That riled him a heap.

Wilson, "I've come in heah this mawnin' to see you about ouah hawse. You know ouah Molly hawse got kilt down at the depot two weeks ago by the railroad kyahs. I declare, I felt so bad I sat down and cried; I couldn't get supper that day. We was so much attached to Molly why, Mr. Eddring, you don't know how bad we-all did feel about that hawse. It don't seem right to us nohow."

'Damn the railroad kyahs, sez he. An' den off he goes huntin', sort o' riled like. Now, ef he comes back, and ef he don't git no b'ah, why, you won't see old Bill 'round heah fer 'bout fo' days." "You seem to know him pretty well." "Know him? I orto. Raised wid him, an' lived heah all my life.

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