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Wishing to have the exact words and views of a real Rommany on this subject, I made inquiry, and noted down his reply, which was literally as follows: "Avali; when Rommany chals or juvos are mullos, their pals don't kaum to shoon their navs pauli it kairs 'em too bongo so they're purabend to waver navs. Saw don't kair it kek but posh do, kenna.

"And when yuv's mullo I pet my wast adree his poachy and there mandy lastered the cigaras. And from dovo chairus, rya, mandy never tooved a cigar. "Avali there's adusta Romni chuls that kairs dovo. And when my juvo mullered, mandy never lelled nokengro kekoomi.

A boro cheirus pauli dovo, the rye dicked the Rommany chal, an' penned, "You choramengro, did tute lel the matchas avree my panni with a hook?" "Ayali, rya, with a hook," penned the Rom pale, werry sido. "And what kind of a hook?" When you del a mush cammoben to lel matchyas avree tute's panni, you'd better hatch adoi an' dick how he kairs it.

"When a mush mullers, an' the juvas adree his ker can't kair habben because they feel so naflo 'bout the rom being gone, or the chavi or juvalo mush, or whoever it may be, then their friends for trin divvuses kairs their habben an' bitchers it a lende. An' that's tacho Rommanis, an' they wouldn't be dessen Rommany chuls that wouldn't kair dovo for mushis in sig an' tukli."

A rinkeno baulo there we dick, And then we pens in Romano jib; Wust lis odoi opre ye chick, And the baulo he will lel lis, The baulo he will lel lis. Coliko, coliko saulo we Apopli to the farming ker Will wel and mang him mullo, Will wel and mang his truppo. And so we kairs, and so we kairs; The baulo in the rarde mers; We mang him on the saulo, And rig to the tan the baulo.

We jaws to the drab-engro ker, Trin horsworth there of drab we lels, And when to the swety back we wels We pens we'll drab the baulo, We'll have a drab at a baulo. And then we kairs the drab opre, And then we jaws to the farming ker, To mang a beti habben, A beti poggado habben.

I have spoken in another chapter of the deeply-seated faith of the English Gipsies in the evil eye. Subsequent inquiry has convinced me that they believe it to be peculiar to themselves. One said in my presence, "There was a kauli juva that dicked the evil yack ad mandy the sala my chavo's missis an' a'ter dovo I shooned that my chavo was naflo. A bongo-yacki mush kairs wafro-luckus.

Adoi the rakli pukkered lesco it was for her rani ta jin kun'd welled a dick her. "Avali!" penned the Rommany chal; "that's the way the Gorgios mukks their patteran! We mukks char apre the drum." The grai mukks his pirro apre the drum, an' the sap kairs his trail adree the puv. "Yes!" said the Gipsy; "so that is the way the Gorgios leave their sign! We leave grass on the road."