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Drink a cup of hot or cold water immediately upon arising. Take the thyroid-stimulating exercises. Follow by spine-strengthening movements in combination with the hot-water-drinking. Following these exercises a dry friction bath may be taken, if desired; also a cold bath. The latter is not necessary to the same extent while following the hot-water-drinking regimen as under ordinary circumstances.

This system of alimentary stimulation can be roughly described as a combination of hot-water-drinking and a nerve-center-stimulating process. The best time for giving this method a thorough trial is immediately upon arising in the morning. It should not be attempted at any other time of the day, for it is especially important that the stomach should be free of any recently ingested food.

If you find your capacity is unequal to the quantity of hot water suggested, then simply take as much as you can without inconvenience or discomfort. Each day, however, while following this method you will find your hot-water-drinking capacity will increase, though as a rule, a person of average weight and height can take from one to two quarts without serious inconvenience.

To repeat for clearness and emphasis, the method outlined consists of the following: A combination of hot-water-drinking and specially adapted movements for stimulating the nerve centers. Half a pint to a pint of hot water-as hot as can be drunk-to be taken on beginning the treatment immediately on arising in the morning.

Another method of accomplishing the same thing is to continue the hot-water-drinking even beyond the two quarts suggested, adding no more than a small pinch of salt to each cup, as previously suggested. No harm will come from this excessive water-drinking if one is possessed of a normal amount of vigor.

When one is overheated, it is best to drink water lukewarm or hot or only moderately cool. If you drink lukewarm water when overheated you can take any quantity desired. As previously stated, however, I would like to point out that if you are carrying out the regimen of hot-water-drinking and exercise previously referred to, a daily cold bath is not at all necessary.

While this is suggested as a general plan, it is not imperative that this order be followed strictly, for your individual requirements might be better suited by minor variations; for instance, by two or four exercises between the intervals of hot-water-drinking.

You may then take exercises 15, 16 and 9, followed by another cup of hot water, and then exercises 17, 6 and 10, and so on. While this is suggested as a general plan, it is not imperative that this order be followed strictly, for your individual requirements might be better suited by minor variations; for instance, by two or four exercises between the intervals of hot-water-drinking.

This hot-water-drinking regimen is not necessarily recommended as a permanent measure to be continued every day for an indefinite period.

Do not overlook the value of the hot-water-drinking regimen in combination with exercise, which I offered in the chapter on Cleansing and Stimulating the Alimentary Canal. It is especially important to guard against constipation if there is any tendency in that direction, and above all things, daily muscular activity is absolutely essential.