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Of course it was that other day of summer, in the far beginning of things; the day of the Golden Tusks and the gloom and the growling thunder; his legs, as now, in a fearful hurry of their own accord; and Tara waiting for him his High-Tower Princess. With a pang he recalled how she had seemed the point of safety because she was never afraid. No Tara waiting now.

And now seventeen years afterwards, the bracelet had drawn him back to them both; saved him, perhaps, from the unforgiveable sin of throwing up the game. On he walked, along the same mossy path, almost in a dream. He had found the Tusks. His High-Tower Princess was waiting his 'Star far-seen.

He gave her a chance, still keeping hold of her to make sure she was real. "High-Tower Princess, are we truly US? Or is it a 'bewitchery'?" he asked, only half in joke. "Will you go turning into a butterfly presently ?" "Promise I won't!" Her low laugh was not quite steady. "We're US truly. And we've got to Farthest-End, where your dreams come true. D'you remember I always said they couldn't.

As the girl passed through the kitchen, she seized a horn that hung upon the wall, and went out into the darkness. The old women continued their smoking, their snuff-rubbing, and their gossiping. Mrs. High-tower was giving the details of a local legend showing how and why Edny Favers had "conjured" Tabithy Cozby, when suddenly Mrs. Poteet raised her hands "Sh-h-h!"