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I soon learned all about heraldry, and in my leisure time drew and colored all the coats of arms that had been borne by the Hamertons in their numerous alliances, as well as the arms of other families from which our own was descended.

The Hamertons do not seem to have distinguished themselves in anything except marrying heiresses, and in that they were remarkably successful. One of my uncles said to me that the Hamertons won property in no other way than by marriage, and that they were almost incapable of retaining it; he himself had the one talent of his race, but was an exception to their incapacity.

John Hamerton of Hellifield Peel had expressed on several occasions his regret for the division existing between the two branches of the family, and his wish to become acquainted with my husband, whose works he knew and admired. Now it had been a lifelong desire of his to visit Hellifield Peel the ancient tower with the romantic history, and the seat of the elder branch of the Hamertons.

If the wine gave health and wisdom it would hardly be possible to spend too much upon it. I visit the homes of my forefathers at Hamerton, Wigglesworth, and Hellifield Peel. Attainder and execution of Sir Stephen Hamerton. Return of Hellifield Peel to the family. Sir Richard. The Hamertons distinguished only for marrying heiresses. Another visit to the Peel, when I see my father's cousin.

One result of the estrangement was that we hardly seemed to belong to our own family; and I remember a lady, who had some very vague and shadowy claims to a distant connection with the family at Hellifield, asking one of my aunts in a rather patronizing manner if she also did not "claim to be connected" with the Hamertons of Hellifield Peel.

The colonial strength of England is founded upon these family separations, but they are terrible when they occur, especially when the parents are left behind in the old country. To us who remained this wholesale emigration in our family produced the effect of a great and sudden mortality. For my part I have received exactly one letter from the New Zealand Hamertons since they left.