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Lib. iv. El. 1. But this seems not very probable, when we consider that Horace, several years after that period, represents him as opulent. Dii tibi divitias dederant, artemque fruendi. Epist. Lib. i. 4. To thee the gods a fair estate In bounty gave, with heart to know How to enjoy what they bestow. Francis.

Codex, vi, 60, 1: Res, quae ex matris successione fuerint ad filios devolutae, ita sint in parentum potestate, ut fruendi dumtaxat habeant facultatem, dominio videlicet carum ad liberos pertinente. Neratius in Dig., 26, 1, 18. Codex, v, 35, 1. Codex, ii, 12, 18: alienam suscipere defensionem virile officium est ... filio itaque tuo, si pupillus est, tutorem pete. Ulpian, Tit. viii, 7a.

This, however, he lost by the triumviral proscriptions, excepting a poor remnant of his estate near Pedum which, small as it was, seems to have sufficed for his moderate wants. At a later period Horace, writing to him in retirement, speaks as though he were possessed of considerable wealth "Di tibi divitias dederunt artemque fruendi."

Gaius, iii, 25-31. See, e.g., Codex, vi, 60, i: Res, quae ex matris successione fuerint ad filios devolutae, ita sint in parentum potestate, ut fruendi dumtaxat habeant facultatem, dominio videlicet eorum ad liberos pertinente. For all this, see Codex, v, 9, 5, and vi, 18, q. Paulus, v, 4, 14, who adds that exile was the penalty if the crime had not been completely carried out.