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But Folk-might answered: 'Nay, chief of the Sickle, I am not altogether a chieftain, now we have gotten us peace; and somewhat of a husbandman shall I be. Moreover, doubt ye not that I shall do my utmost to behold the fair Dale again; for it is but mountains that meet not.

But as for Folk-might, his face was yet white and aweful with anger, and he looked restlessly up and down the front of the kindreds, though he spake no word.

Folk-might followed presently, and she stayed not again, nor turned, nor beheld him; he recked not if she had, for then would he have come up with her and hailed her, and he knew that she was no foolish maiden to start at the sight of a man who was the friend of her Folk.

But she spake again: 'To thee also, Folk-might, I have a message from Face-of-god, who saith: "Mighty warrior, friend and fellow, all things thrive with us, and we are happy. Yet is there a hollow place in our hearts which grieveth us, and only thou and thine may amend it.

Just below the pitch of the hill whereon they were, lay Silver-stead, the town of the Dale. Hitherto it had been an unfenced place; but Folk-might pointed to where on the western side a new white wall was rising, and on which, young as the day yet was, men were busy laying the stones and spreading the mortar.

'Thither shall I come then, said Folk-might, 'and give myself out for the slayer of Rusty and the ransacker of Harts-bane and Penny- thumb; and therefor shall I offer good blood-wite and theft-wite; and thy father shall take that; for he is a just man. Then shall I tell my tale. Yet it may be thou shalt see us before if battle betide.

Lo, Bow-may, this is the message, and I have learned it well, for well it pleaseth me to bear it. Then said Folk-might: 'What say'st thou to the message, Bow-may? 'It is good in all ways, said she, 'but is it timely? May our folk have the message and get to Shadowy Vale, so as to meet you there?

When he was gone, the Alderman arose and said: 'Now, since the fines have been paid duly and freely, according to the dooming of Bristler, take we off the outlawry from Folk-might and his fellows, and account them to be sackless before us. Then he called for other cases; but no man had aught more to bring forward against any man, either of the kindreds or the Strangers.

'That is well, said Folk-might, 'and then for all that hath gone before thou mayest in a manner pay, if thou art dauntless before the foe. 'I look to be no blencher in the battle, said Face-of-god; 'that is not the fashion of our kindred, whosoever may be before us. Yea, and even were it thy blade, O mighty warrior of the Wolf, I would do my best to meet it in manly fashion.

'True is that, said Red-beard of the Knolls, 'but look you, Folk- might, we be but simple husbandmen, and may not often stir from our meadows and acres; even now I bethink me that May is amidst us, and I am beginning to be drawn by the thought of the haysel. Thereat Folk-might laughed; and when the others saw that he laughed, they laughed also, else had they foreborne for courtesy's sake.