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Updated: August 12, 2024

"We air, Sur," sed the feroshus woman "we belong to a Society whitch beleeves wimin has rites whitch beleeves in razin her to her proper speer whitch beleeves she is indowed with as much intelleck as man is whitch beleeves she is trampled on and aboozed & who will resist henso4th & forever the incroachments of proud & domineering men."

"Thin the bhoys gave wan divastatin' howl, an' pranced into the dhark, feelin' for the town, an' blindin' an' stiffin' like Cavalry Ridin' Masters whin the grass pricked their bare legs. I hammered wid the butt at some bamboo-thing that felt wake, an' the rest come an' hammered contagious, while the jingles was jingling, an' feroshus yells from inside was shplittin' our ears.

'Faith, me son, ye said ut, thin. I kep' the little man betune my knees as long as I cud, but he was pokin' roun' wid his bay'nit, blindin' an' stiffin' feroshus. The devil of a man is Orth'ris in a ruction aren't ye? said Mulvaney. 'Don't make game! said the Cockney. 'I knowed I wasn't no good then, but I guv 'em compot from the lef' flank when we opened out.

Mister Blane, who is a dark bearded feroshus lookin person, then axis him whether he's fur or fernenst Slavery. Yung Brown sez he's agin it, whareupon, Mister Blane, who is the most sinisterest lookin man I ever saw, sez Har, har, har! Anuther Brown rushes up & sez, "you has killed me Ber-ruther!" Moosic by the Band & Seen changes. The stuck yung Brown enters supported by his two brothers.

"Dew you know who we air?" sed one of the wimin a tall and feroshus lookin critter, with a blew kotton umbreller under her arm "do you know who we air, Sir?" "My impreshun is," sed I, "from a kersery view, that you air females."

"What brings yuh fellows inter thu tem'tations of thu meetropoliss? Don't yuh know thet this is thu home of the devourin' lion an' thu laih o' thu feroshus tigeh? Come an' look at yeh innercent selfs in thu bottom of a glass!" As they lined up at the bar Strang said quickly, in an undertone. "Six of us heah by dark. What's thu game?"

"Faith, me son, ye said ut, thin. I kep' the little man betune my knees as long as I cud, but he was pokin' roun' wid his bay'nit, blindin' an' stiffin' feroshus. The devil of a man is Orth'ris in a ruction aren't ye?" said Mulvaney. "Don't make game!" said the Cockney. "I knowed I wasn't no good then, but I gev 'em compot from the lef' flank when we opened out.

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