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His time was almost wholly taken up in reading the higher Classics, and even before he had seen Fa Fei his determination had been taken that when once he had succeeded in passing the examination for the second degree and thereby become entitled to an inferior mandarinship he would abandon his former life forever.

And then to add to the existing complications a Customs vessel, the Fei Hoo, was seized by the French as she was landing stores for a lighthouse in Formosa. They would not let her go, saying she had landed letters as well as stores. Perhaps she did no one can say but contraband mail on board or not, she had important duties to perform.

"Hello!" said he. The Kanakas clapped hands and called upon him to go on. "No, sir!" said the captain. "No eat, no dance. Savvy?" "Poor old man!" returned one of the crew. "Him no eat?" "Lord, no!" said the captain. "Like-um too much eat. No got." "All right. Me got," said the sailor; "you tome here. Plenty toffee, plenty fei. Nutha man him tome too."

She made cups of leaves and filled them with water, and into them we squeezed the limes for a toast. "Inu i te ota no te!" she said and lifted her cup. "A health to you! He who eats the fei passes under a spell; he must return again to the islands. Have you eaten the fei?" "Not yet, Princess," I replied. "There they are in abundance on the hillside," she said. "Look!

'Hello! said he. The Kanakas clapped hands and called upon him to go on. 'No, SIR! said the captain. 'No eat, no dance. Savvy? 'Poor old man! returned one of the crew. 'Him no eat? 'Lord, no! said the captain. 'Like-um too much eat. No got. 'All right. Me got, said the sailor; 'you tome here. Plenty toffee, plenty fei. Nutha man him tome too.

"Assuredly," replied the benevolent Thang-li. "Provided, of course, that the choice referred to should by no evil mischance run in a contrary direction to my own maturer judgment." "Yet if such an eventuality did haply arise?" persisted Fa Fei. "None but the irredeemably foolish spend their time in discussing the probable sensation of being struck by a thunderbolt," said Thang-li more coldly.

In this South-East part of the world, was situated a walled town, Ku Su by name. Within the walls a locality, called the Ch'ang Men, was more than all others throughout the mortal world, the centre, which held the second, if not the first place for fashion and life. Next door to this temple lived the family of a district official, Chen by surname, Fei by name, and Shih-yin by style.

There are no reliable statistics; but it is understandable that at that time the population of China must have fallen considerably, especially if we bear in mind the equally ferocious suppression of the risings of the T'ai P'ing and the Nien Fei within China, and smaller risings of which we have made no mention.

I raised my glass to our native land, and finding that the boy of Taravao had eaten his fill of fei and fish, I said ariana to T'yonni, and drove to Choti's. The painter was on the veranda of a cottage, finishing the late breakfast. He received me with enthusiasm.

In spite of an absorbing affection Fa Fei could not disguise from herself that her feelings would have been more pleasantly arranged if her lover had been inspired to accept his position unquestioningly. "There is a detail, hitherto unrevealed, which disposes of all such amiable suggestions," she replied.