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The FEAF intelligence officers had checked every possible angle but they could offer nothing to account for the sighting. There were lots of opinions, weather targets for example, but once again the chances of a weather target's being in exactly the same direction as a bright star and having the star appear to move with the false radar target aren't too likely to say the least.

The pilot didn't see anything unusual. At 11:45P.M., according to the logbook in the tower, one of the operators called a nearby radar site and asked if they had an unidentified target on their scopes. They did. The FEAF intelligence officers who investigated the sighting made a special effort to try to find out if the radar's unidentified target and the light were the same object.

Since the sighting came from outside the U.S., we couldn't go out and investigate it, but the intelligence officers in the Far East Air Force had done a good job, so we had the complete story of this startling account of an encounter with a UFO. Only a few minor questions had been unanswered, and a quick wire to FEAF brought back these missing data.

Normally it took up to three months to get routine questions back and forth, but this time the exchange of wires took only a matter of hours. Several months after the sighting I talked to one of the FEAF intelligence officers who had investigated it, and in his estimation it was one of the best to come out of the Far East.

The official answer for this incident is that the huge orange-red UFO was nothing more than the light from the many northern Indiana blast furnaces reflecting a haze layer. Could be, but the pilots say no. There were similar sightings in North Korea two years later and FEAF Bomber Command had caused a shortage of blast furnaces in North Korea.

And then the same type of thing had happened twice before inside of a month's time, once in California and once in Michigan. As one of the men at the briefing I gave said, "It's incredible, and I can't believe it, but those boys in FEAF are in a war they're veterans and by damn, I think they know what they're talking about when they say they've never seen anything like this before."