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She said, "We are well." And he asked her if she had seen the little raft pass by and she said, "Yes, it passed by here and I took it." So they made him go upstairs and when he got up there he saw Dolimáman and Kanag, and Kanag did not know his father. "You call me father, for you are my son," said Wadagan to him.

The parents of Ligi pay the usual marriage price for the girl. When the husband of Dolimáman pricks an itching spot between her third and fourth fingers, a baby boy pops out. Child who is called Kanag grows each time he is bathed. While his wife is away the father puts child on a raft and sets it afloat on the river.

When he reached the yard Wadagan went into the balaua and laid down, and when Dolimáman returned she inquired for Kanag and she said, "Where is Kanag? Why can I not see him here?" Wadagan said, "I do not know. I think he is playing with the other boys in the east." Not long after Dolimáman went to ask Agtanang and Gamayawan, and she said to them, "Did you see our son Kanag?"

So Wadagan went back home and he went everywhere and Dolimáman, Kanag and Dagoláyan staid in Nagbotobotán. There was a man Awig and Aponibolinayen, and there was a girl named Linongan. "Ala, you make Linongan start for she goes to watch the mountain rice. You cook for her so that she goes to watch and I go to guide her," said Awig. "Why do you dislike our daughter Linongan?

They were sitting together in the middle of the day, and Dolimáman commanded Wadagan to stick with a thorn the place between her fourth and little finger. So Wadagan stuck her finger with the thorn and as soon as he did so a little baby popped out. "What name shall we give to this boy?" said Wadagan. "You ask what name we shall give him, we are going to call him Kanag Kabagbagowan," she replied.

"My mother is in Nagbotobotán and her name is Alokotán," said the boy. "Ala, let us go. Where is Nagbotobotán? Guide me," said Dolimáman. As soon as they arrived, she said, "Good morning, my Aunt." "Good morning also," said Alokotán. "My son is with you," said Dolimáman. "Yes, your son is with me, because I met him by the river near the well."

Not long after Dolimáman went to the west of the well and she saw the marks of the raft in the sand by the river and she sat there for along time and Agtanang and Gamayawan shaded her while she sat there by the river. Not long after the old woman Alokotán went to the well for she felt hot.