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Since Mathieu's victory, since the whole of the estate of Chantebled had been conquered and fertilized, Lepailleur had shown some respect for his bourgeois rival. Nevertheless, although he could not deny the results hitherto obtained, he did not altogether surrender, but continued sneering, as if he expected that some rending of heaven or earth would take place to prove him in the right.

His sudden frenzy had gone to every heart; sobs burst forth and lamentations arose from the woful parents, from the brothers, the sisters, from the whole of stricken Chantebled, which death thus visited for the first time. Ah, God! Rose on that bed of mourning, white, cold, and dead! She, the fairest, the gayest, the most loved!

And, indeed, they lived in perfect union, with only one will among them, one purpose which was ever more and more skilfully effected the continual increase of the happiness and wealth of Chantebled under the beneficent sun. At the same time, if Mathieu had renounced the actual exercise of authority, he none the less remained the creator, the oracle who was consulted, listened to, and obeyed.

But during those two years, while Chantebled grew, while labor and worry and victory alternated, Mathieu suddenly found himself mixed up in a terribly tragedy. He was obliged to come to Paris at times more often indeed than he cared now through his business relations with Seguin, now to sell, now to buy, now to order one thing or another.