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"O, a very savage!-a sneaking, shame-faced, despicable puppy!" I know not what bewitched me-but my pride was hurt, and my spirits were tired, and-in short, I had the folly, looking at Lord Orville, to repeat, "Despicable, you think?" His eyes instantly followed mine; "Why, is that the gentleman?"

When Worry knocks at the door, the butler tells him we're not at home. And I see the most interesting work in the world cut out for me for the next twenty-five or thirty years to get such courtesy into our dealings with these our kinsmen here, public and private as will cause them to follow us in all the developments of democracy and-in keeping the peace of the world secure.

Andrew Hume, who held an appointment in the Commissariat Department, and came to the colony in the LADY JULIAN. The future explorer was born at Parramatta in 1797, so that he was but seventeen when, in 1814, he made his maiden effort in the country around Berrima, in company with his brother and a black boy; and-in the year following he again made an excursion in this district.

"So I do, but I am not upon speaking terms with her, and-in fact she declines to recognise me." The soul of the honest miner flamed out; he laid his hand threateningly upon his pistol, jerked himself stiff, glared a moment at me with the look of a tiger, and hurled this question at my head as if it had been an iron interrogation point: "W'at a' yer ben adoin' to that gurl?"

I, who fancied myself an heir of glory, was nothing but a peevish, human creature-very human indeed, overcome if Martha shook the bed, as she always did, irritated if my food did not come at the right moment, or was not of the right sort, hurt and offended if Ernest put on at one less anxious and tender than he had used when I was very ill, and-in short, my own poor faulty self once more.