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At the age of fifteen he was brought to the Court of Francis I. He served in the campaigns against Charles V., was present at the siege of Metz, and afterwards fought with great bravery in Flanders and in Italy. He was one of the tenants in the tournament in which Henry II. lost his life.

Surely it would have been better if he had never gone to Paris, but, like his friend Mistral, had remained in Provence and devoted his essentially poetic genius to an expression of the spirit of the south. His keenly sensitive nature was too delicate for intercourse with the virility of a Zola or the subtlety of a Goncourt. Paris made of him a realist, and the world lost by the transformation.

At the age of fifteen, Mme. de La Fayette lost her father; and her mother, after brief waiting, and if Cardinal de Retz is to be believed much intriguing, found a second husband in the Chevalier Renaud de Sévigné.

«I am in daily expectation that the four Priests who were applied for sometime ago, from Savoy, will arrive here, and not a moment's time shall be lost in sending them to Canada.

Et moi, dit d'Artagnan, pardonnez-moi, madame, d'avoir, par une fourberie indigne d'un gentilhomme, provoqué votre colère; et, en échange, je vous pardonne le meurtre de ma pauvre amie et vos vengeances cruelles pour moi, je vous pardonne et je pleure sur vous. Mourez en paix. I am lost! murmura en anglais Milady. I must die

4 32 deuil: faire son deuil d'une chose = 'to go into mourning about a thing, 'to give it up for lost'.

Parmi les pièces anglaises, après celle de Shakspeare, la plus remarquable est la tragédie de Dryden: All for love or the World well lost. Elle a plus de régularité, plus d'égalité dans la diction.

[Note 5: Look unto the main. Unto the main! O father, Maine is lost. Look unto the main signifie: songeons au plus important. Il a fallu passer

Pour l'amendement, 121: contre, 122. The amendment is lost, l'amendement est rejeté, dit le président.

Ces récits enflammaient le patriotisme de l'enfant, et plus tard, devenu un jeune homme et entré dans l'étude d'un notaire anglais, quand ses compagnons raillaient sa nationalité de vaincu, il leur répondait par ce vers de Milton. What though the field be lost? All is not lost! «Qu'importe la perte d'un champ de bataille? Tout n'est pas perdu