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But in 1610 they moved to Madrid, where Lope bought the little house in what is now the Calle de Cervantes, and in this house the great poet passed the last quarter of a century of his long and eventful life.

As has been already observed, the dramas of Juan del Encina and his immediate successors were probably presented to limited audiences. It is not improbable that parts were often taken by amateurs rather than by members of regular troupes.

Married in 1868, and removed to Madrid. Works: articles of literary criticism, and Pascual López , Un viaje de novios . El cisne de Vilamorta , Los Pazos de Ulloa , La madre Naturaleza , Insolación , Morriña , Una cristiana , La prueba , et al. His father was a lawyer, and his mother a member of an old family of landed gentry. Studied in Oviedo, and later read law in Madrid.

His works abound in the inaccuracies and obscurities that characterize hasty composition and hastier proof-reading, but these are forgotten in the clever intrigue which is the keynote of the Spanish drama, in the infinite variety of versification and in the constant and never flagging interest.

Armando Palacio Valdés was born in 1853 in the province of Asturias. He is one of the most prominent contemporary novelists of Spain. He belongs to that school of writers known as naturalists, and in the opinion of some, he deserves to stand at the head of that school. His novels treat of contemporary Spanish life.

Don Diègue and Don Diego impress us by the gravity of their appeals, while Don Bernardo arouses our sympathy by his senility old Spanish cavalier, decorated with the cross of Santiago, that he is!

Like Shakespeare, he brings upon the stage illiterate servants to mix their rude speech and often questionable jests with the grave and lofty or poetic utterances of their noble or royal masters. His characters, too, were not limited to any fixed line of conduct, as long as honor was upheld.

His works are pervaded by a genial, kindly humor; but his language is not seldom dull and insipid. His prose writings have a light and graceful humor that is peculiarly Andalusian. Of these the first is now usually classed as a writer of psychological novels and plays, and the others as naturalistic novelists.

Lope left the service of the Duke of Alba on his return to Madrid, or about that time, and during the next decade held similar positions under the Marqués de Malpica and the Conde de Lemos, and during a large part of this period he led a more or less vagabond existence wherever the whims of his employers or his own gallant adventures led him.

Philip III died in 1621, leaving the vast realm which he had inherited from his father, the gloomy though mighty Philip II, to his son, a youth of sixteen years, who came to the throne under the title of Philip IV. If Philip III was ruled by Lerma and Uceda, Philip IV, in his turn, was completely under the domination of the unprincipled Olivares, and his accession initiated one of the most interesting and most corrupt reigns that Spain has ever known.