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She was lying prone on the groudn and when he put his hand to her breast, he found her dead. Now her father's house faced that of Alaeddin, and he, hearing her cry out, came in and said, 'What is the matter, O my lord Alaeddin? 'O my father, answered he, 'may thy head outlive thy daughter Zubeideh!

What sayst thou? And I answered, 'I will go with thee and abide the risk of which thou speakest. Then said he, 'As soon as it is night, go to the mosque built by the Lady Zubeideh on the Tigris and pray and pass the night there. 'With all my heart, answered I. So at nightfall I repaired to the mosque, where I prayed and passed the night.

So he called the princess Zubeideh and said to her, 'What is that spilt on the bed? She looked at it and replied, 'O Commander of the Faithful, it is semen. 'Tell me truly what this means, said he; 'or I will lay violent hands on thee forthright. 'O Commander of the Faithful, answered she, 'indeed, I know not how it came there and I am guiltless of that whereof thou suspectest me. So he sent for the Imam Abou Yousuf and told him the case.

'Be Zubeideh triply divorced, exclaimed Haroun, 'if thou shalt not either sell or give her to me! Quoth Jaafer, 'Be my wife triply divorced, if I either sell or give her to thee! After awhile they recovered from their intoxication and were ware that they had fallen into a grave dilemma, but knew not how to extricate themselves.

See, then, the blessed qualities of this Imam and how at his hands were made manifest the truth and the innocence of the lady Zubeideh. The Khalif El Hakim bi Amrillah was riding out in state one day, when he came to a garden, in which he saw a man, surrounded by slaves and servants.

When Zubeideh saw that her plot had succeeded, she put me in this chest and summoning the slaves, bribed them and the doorkeepers, and sent the former to do with me as thou sawest. So my delivery was at thy hands, and thou broughtest me hither and hast used me with the utmost kindness. This is my story, and I know not what is come of the Khalif in my absence.