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'Eh! said the girl, a pale fair child of twelve; 'and what would poor Jamie and the weans do, wanting their titties? 'Ye are but a bairn, Mary, was Jean's answer. 'We shall do better for Jamie by wedding some great lords in the far country than by waiting here at home. 'And James will soon have a queen of his own to guide him, added Eleanor.

"Hout fie, bairns!" said the old lady, with something of a good-humoured reproof, "ye shouldna vex your billy Hobbie that way. Look round, my bairn, and see if there isna ane here mair than ye left this morning." Hobbie looked eagerly round. "There's you, and the three titties." "There's four of us now, Hobbie, lad," said the youngest, who at this moment entered.

"And mind be sure and tell him that grannie and the titties, and, abune a', Grace and mysell, are weel and thriving, and that it's a' his doing that canna but please him, ane wad think." And Elliot and the family at Heugh-foot were, and continued to be, as fortunate and happy as his undaunted honesty, tenderness, and gallantry so well merited.

King Rene was telling her something as he helped her to alight, and with one spring, regardless of all, and of all ceremony, she sprang forward. 'My wee Jeanie! My Elleen! My titties! Mine ain wee things, she cried in her native tongue, as she embraced them by turns, as if she would have devoured them, with a gush of tears.