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Coming again on to the street you hear the deafening noises of the cow horns blown by the streetcar drivers, or the pescador shrilly inviting housekeepers to buy the repulsive-looking red fish, carried over his shoulder, slung on a thick bamboo. This steed-riding fraternity all use invariably the same words: "Por el amor de Dios dame un centavo!"

This was the last shot that told every report became more and more faint, and the musketry soon ceased altogether. The breeze had taken off, and the Wave, resuming her superiority in light winds, had escaped. Cuba Fishermen "El Pescador de Puerto Escondido, Pesca mas que Peseado, Quando la Luna redonda Reflexado en la mar profunda.

Later on Camoens wrote fifteen eclogues, four of which are piscatorial, and in one, a dialogue between a shepherd and a fisherman, refers in the following terms to Sannazzaro: O pescador Sincero, que amansado Tém o pégo de Prochyta co' o canto Por as sonoras ondas compassado. D'este seguindo o som, que póde tanto, E misturando o antigo Mantuano, Façamos novo estylo, novo espanto.

The solitary skiff of the savage "pescador" is making its way through the surf; a lone "polacca" beats up the coast with its half-smuggler crew; a "piragua" swings at anchor in a neighbouring cove: this is all! Far as eye or glass can reach, no other sail is in sight. The beautiful sea before me is almost unfurrowed by the keels of commerce.

Reader, could you thus stand upon the summit of Orizava, and look down to the shores of the Mexican Gulf, you would have before you, as on a map, the scene of our "adventures." Anahuac is Mexico. Jornada is a day's journey. Pescador is a fisherman. Vomito is yellow-fever. Carbonero is charcoal-burner. Arriero is mule-driver.