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Cato had a mortal horror of touching any creature that was dead, but more than once he had wished that the corpses were placed in the ground, although he had not the courage to put them there. He showed no reluctance now to the performance of his portion of the task. "You know how to dig, I presume?" asked the Lieutenant. "Yis, I offin dug wid dis berry same spade. Whar'd you want thar graves?"

I know that, says I, bekase I like to keep a good bowld offin', says I, in contrairy places. Spoke like a good sayman, says he. That's my principles, says I. They're the right sort, says he. I know, says I, you mane beside the three-spike headlan'. That's the spot, says he, I see you know it. As well as I know my father, says I."

The Captain watched the clergyman till he had disappeared behind the vestibule doors, and then remarked to Mrs. Beaver, "Them kind ain't hard to sight. I could sight that feller a mile in the offin', on a dark night, with my eyes shut! If Mack McGowan was that kind, he'd get to stay here about twenty-four hours, and then he'd smell fire and brimstone." Mrs.

The young soldier continued musing for a moment and then asked: "How far from here is the settlement to which Mrs. Prescott has gone?" "Ten, fifteen or forty miles." "Can't you tell me more precisely than that?" "Somewhere atween ten and forty or fifty dat's all I can tell." "Have you ever been there yourself?" "Offin horseback." "You know the way?" "Jes' as well as did from de house to de barn."