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As he lay awake looking at the moonlight glittering on the sides of the multitude of cans, the thought came into his mind that this had probably been the room of the Nulls when they were here. "As this is the only house in the place where travellers are entertained," he said to himself, "of course they must have come to it.

We have so surcharged her with the additional ornaments and graces we have added to the beauty and riches of her own works by our inventions, that we have almost smothered her; yet in other places, where she shines in her own purity and proper lustre, she marvellously baffles and disgraces all our vain and frivolous attempts: "Et veniunt hederae sponte sua melius; Surgit et in solis formosior arbutus antris; Et volucres nulls dulcius arte canunt."

And the roguish looks and gestures of our lackeys were also in use amongst them: "O Jane, a tergo quern nulls ciconia pinsit, Nec manus, auriculas imitari est mobilis albas, Nec lingua, quantum sitiat canis Appula, tantum." The Argian and Roman ladies mourned in white, as ours did formerly and should do still, were I to govern in this point. But there are whole books on this subject.

As I told you, it was a numerical cypher, and by an elaborate system of experiments I had pretty well discovered what were the nulls and stops. The trouble was the key word, and when I thought of the odd million words he might have used I felt pretty hopeless. But about three o'clock I had a sudden inspiration. The name Julia Czechenyi flashed across my memory.

"I think every man on board feels that way, a little, only he won't admit it." His slanted gray eyes looked quickly at Bart and away. "I guess we're almost down to L-point. Better check the panel and report nulls, so medic can wake up the Mentorians." The Swiftwing moved on between the stars.