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And one day, behold! he walk into the casa, very white and angry, and he swear mooch to himself; and he orders his horse, and he ride away, and never come back no more, never-r-r! And one day another caballero, Don Esteban Briones, he came in, and say, 'Hola! Don Jorge has forgotten his pret-ty girl: he have left her over on the garden bench.

"Somehow, I hesitated held back by Heaven knows what. "'No, said he, returning the wallet to his pocket, 'I thought not! You know a thing or two after all. You haven't lost your mind. Looks are deceptive sometimes. I instantly regretted my indecision. "'What's the matter with the money? I asked. 'I was just kidding you. Give it to me. Hand it over. I will take it. "'Never-r-r!

Never-r-r! he whispered mysteriously. "'Oh, come off! said I with a foxy wink. Don't you think because I am a countryman I gambol exclusively on the green. I am not altogether to the emerald by a pailful! I've got you where I want you, and you know it! Quit your fooling and hand over the wallet! There's a cop over there now, I added meaningly.

"Ye ain't afraid o' bein' left alone with the ghost that haunts the garden, Miss Rosita?" "After YOU never-r-r." "I'll find Mrs. Demorest and send her to ye," said Ezekiel, hesitatingly. "Eh, to attract here the ghost? Thank you, no, very mooch." Ezekiel's face contracted until nothing but his bright peering gray eyes could be seen. "Attract the ghost!" he echoed.