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The account which M. Joüy gives in the Hermite en Provence, of this horrible transaction, corresponds as nearly as possible with the particulars which we heard upon the spot.

It had a ground of old blue, patterned regularly with little Persian "pears," the old rug design, you know. The effect of this simple chintz with white painted walls and furniture and woodwork and crisp white muslin glass curtains was delicious. The most satisfactory of all chintzes is the Toile de Jouy.

The mistress, wishing to give him some compensation, offered him the management of the mills at Jouy, saying: "So that if you are not my son, you will be at least my partner. And if I do not leave you all my money at my death, I can enrich you during my life." Pierre would not accept. He would not have it said that in wishing to marry Micheline he had tried to make a speculation.

The mistress, wishing to give him some compensation, offered him the management of the mills at Jouy, saying: "So that if you are not my son, you will be at least my partner. And if I do not leave you all my money at my death, I can enrich you during my life." Pierre would not accept. He would not have it said that in wishing to marry Micheline he had tried to make a speculation.

Agnese at the request of his daughter, and also a baptistery in the same place, where Constance was baptized, by Bishop Sylvester. Among the most interesting early mosaics is the apse of the Church of St. Pudentiana in Rome. Barbet de Jouy, who has written extensively on this mosaic, considers it to be an eighth century achievement.

The mistress calmed the poor man's alarm; she tried to impart to him some of her confidence, to animate him with her hope, but without success, so she went on without him. A mill was for sale at Jouy, on the banks of the Oise; she paid ready money for it, and a few weeks later the bakery in the Rue Vivienne was independent of every one.

At this juncture their solicitor informed them that, near to their works, the Cernay estate was to be put up for sale. Very often, when going from Jouy to the mills, Madame Desvarennes had noticed the chateau, the slate roofs of the turrets of which rose gracefully from a mass of deep verdure.

You asked yourself how the yellow chintz window-curtains, covered with red flowers, had contrived to hang together for so long; for evidently they had come from the Jouy factory, and Oberkampf received the Emperor's congratulations upon similar hideous productions of the cotton industry in 1809.

Old-fashioned chintz designs are also appropriate for bedrooms with mahogany or painted furniture. Plain or paneled walls, striped paper, and some of the fine floral designs, which can also be used as panels, and the charming Toile de Jouy designs, are all appropriate when used with French furniture.

At this juncture their solicitor informed them that, near to their works, the Cernay estate was to be put up for sale. Very often, when going from Jouy to the mills, Madame Desvarennes had noticed the chateau, the slate roofs of the turrets of which rose gracefully from a mass of deep verdure.