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Let them build aircars to be used by the Gens of Prull and of Klaser, as transportation to Mars whenever you are ready for them to go!" Sarka smiled boyishly, happily. "Yes, O my father; and is there anything else?" "Yes! Take Jaska as your mate! Do you not see that she is waiting for you to speak?"

Now Jaska broke trail ahead, his sullen, swollen features baleful in their injury. Down the steep bank they slid, across the humped up sea ice at the river mouth and into the village. At the greeting of their guide to his tribesmen, George started.

They had no sooner formed as globes than they were in action again, rolling over the roof of the world as with a rising crescendo of thunder tumbling down the night-black sky. So mighty was their rush that the roof of the world trembled and shook. Above their charge raced Sarka and Jaska, and with them the rebels of the Gens of Dalis.

Side by side sat Sarka and Jaska, their eager eyes peering through the forward end of the flashing aircar toward the Earth, growing minute by minute larger. They were able, after some hours, to make out the outlines of what had once been continents, to see the shadows in valleys which had once held the oceans of Earth....

Sarka had not himself mentally spoken the last four words. Jaska had thought-spoken them, before he could prevent. He turned upon her, lips shaping a command that she remain behind. But she forestalled him. "I, too, have been through the white flames! You may have need of all of us!" The Struggle for Mastery The people of all the Gens of Earth were now between two fires.