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Now when Jamak read this letter, his eyes paled and his colour failed and he cried out to the messenger, "Go to thy lord and say to him, 'To-morrow, at daybreak there shall be fight and conflict and it shall appear who is the conquering hero." So he returned and told Gharib, who bade his men make ready for battle, whilst Jamak commanded his tents to be pitched in face of Gharib's camp; and his troops poured forth like the surging sea and passed the night with intention of slaughter.

So he led in the messenger, who kissing the ground before the King, gave him the letter, and Jamak opened it and read its contents as follows: "Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Three Worlds, Lord of all things, who giveth to all creatures their daily bread and who over all things is Omnipotent! These from Gharib, son of King Kundamir, lord of Irak and Cufa, to Jamak.

When it was the Six Hundred and Thirty-seventh Night, Shahrazad continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Sa'adan having broken into the palace of King Jamak and pounded to pieces those therein, the survivors cried out, "Quarter! Quarter!"; and Sa'adan said to them, "Pinion your King!"

When the King of Babel came to himself, he found himself bound and heard Sa'adan say, "I will sup to-night off this King Jamak:" whereupon he turned to Gharib and cried to him, "I throw myself on thy mercy." Replied Gharib, "Become a Moslem, and thou shalt be safe from the Ghul and from the vengeance of the Living One who ceaseth not."

Replied Gharib "I have no patience to wait; do thou equip thy troops and join me at Cufa." Now there was in this town a King called Jamak, under whose hand were twenty thousand horsemen, and there gathered themselves together to him from the villages other fifty thousand horse, who pitched their tents facing the city.

So Jamak professed Al-Islam with heart and tongue and Gharib bade loose his bonds. Then he expounded The Faith to his people and they all became True Believers; after which Jamak returned to the city and despatched thence provaunt land henchmen to Gharib; and wine to the camp before Babel where they passed the night.

So the Arabs and the Persians entered with them, fighting, and Sa'adan, snatching a mace from one of the slain, wielded it in the enemy's face and gained the city race-course. Thence he fought his way through the foe and broke into the King's palace, where he met with Jamak and so smote him with the mace, that he toppled senseless to the ground.

So they bound Jamak and took him up, and Sa'adan drove them before him like sheep and brought them to Gharib's presence, after the most part of the citizens had perished by the enemy's swords.

Then Gharib wrote a letter and sent it to King Jamak by a messenger, who came up to the city-gate and cried out, saying, "I am an envoy;" whereupon the Warder of the Gate went in and told Jamak, who said, "Bring him to me."