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Not Barnum's, nor the Flannagan an' Imparial, would compare with it. An' 'tis thrue, ma'am, as a showman in the profession, I couldn't be exprissin' betther me wondher an' admiration." Then the tin-type man put in, and he sneered some: "I ain't much on admiration and wonder." "You're not, typist," says Flannagan. "'Tis curdled like he is, ma'am, wid inveterate scorn, the poor man!"

"Or do we not?" "Carambos!" says the extraordinary clothes, backing off and speaking snappish. "If you don't like it, get out!" "Carambos, is it?" says Flannagan, enraged and grabbing him by the collar. "Impidence!" he says, "an' ye talk so to the Manager of the Flannagan and Imparial!"

I see before me many a rosy girrl a-chewin' cocoanut candy that ain't so swate as herself, an' many a boy wid his pockets full of paynuts an' his head full of divelthries. "Is it the prisence of such an aujunce which gives me the pleasure unequalled in me mimory? No! "Ye see before ye 'The Flannagan an' Imparial Itinerant Exhibition," he says.

Prince Daniel replied by narrating the well-known apologue of the animals "ating each other all up but their TEELS; and that's what you and Imparial Pop yondther will do, blazing away as ye are," added the jocose and royal boy.

Madame Bill had charge of costumes, and her tastes were what you might call exhilarated. Flannagan began: "Ladies and gintlemen," he says. "The pleasure I take in inthroducin' 'The Flannagan an' Imparial Itinerant Exhibition, to this intelligent aujunce, has niver been equalled in me mimory.

It wasn't an imparial though, an' more's the pity, for them wasn't anvinted antil short since; but divil a much matther it signifies any longer if a pint could hould two quarts, let alone what it does, sinst Father Mathew the Lord purloin his raverence begin'd to give the pledge, an' wid the blessin' iv timperance to deginerate Ireland.