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"Therr they found 'en, zo to spake, dead in th' sun; but Ha-apgood can tell yu," and Hopgood, ever rolling his pipe, muttered something, and smiled his wooden smile. He came to see me off from the straw-yard. "'Tis like death to the varrm, zurr," he said, putting all the play of his vast shoulders into the buckling of my girths. "Mister Ford well!

'Tes an old family to Dartymouth an' Plymouth," she went on in a communicative outburst. "They du say Francis Drake tuke five o' they Pearses with 'en to fight the Spaniards. At least that's what I've heard Mr. Zachary zay; but Ha-apgood can tell yu." Poor Hopgood, the amount of information she saddles him with in the course of the day!

Having given me thus to understand that she had run dry, she at once went on: "Cap'en Jan Pearse made a dale of ventures. He's old now they du say nigh an 'undred. Ha-apgood can tell yu." "But the son, Mrs. Hopgood?" Her eyes twinkled with sudden shrewdness: She hugged herself placidly. "An' what would yu take for dinner to-day?

She was manifestly uneasy: Ha-apgood who "don't slape" don't he, if snores are any criterion had called out in the night, "Hark to th' 'arses' 'oofs!" Had we heard them? And where might we be going then? 'Twas very earrly to start, an' no breakfast. Haapgood had said it was goin' to shaowerr. Miss Pasiance was not to 'er violin yet, an' Mister Ford 'e kept 'is room.