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After all, it seems to agree." "Admiwably." "He loves you?" "To distwaction." "He amuses you?" "Pwodigiously. Come and see." Dr. and Mrs. Staines live with Uncle Philip. The insurance money is returned, but the diamond money makes them very easy.

She shrugged her shoulders and gave a little impatient laugh. "Because I should like that worse! I am bored to distwaction in the countwy, and poor dear mother would worry herself to death if I left town just now. She is as ambitious as ever, and will be tewwibly disappointed if I don't make a bewilliant match before the end of the season.

I wuz juz sitting in my 'oom afteh dinneh, envelop' in my 'obe de chambre, when all at once I says to myseff, 'Faw distwaction I will go and see Mistoo Itchlin!" "Will you walk in?" said the pair. Mrs. Riley, standing in the door of her parlor, made way by descending to the sidewalk. Her calico was white, with a small purple figure, and was highly starched and beautifully ironed.

The bes' of fwen's muz pawt, you know." He turned again to Richling with a face all beauty and a form all grace. "I was juz sitting mistfully all at once I says to myseff, 'Faw distwaction I'll go an' see Mistoo Itchlin. I don't know 'ow I juz 'appen'! Well, au 'evo', Mistoo Itchlin." Richling followed him out upon the door-step.

"Arthur, come and walk wound with me!" she commanded with an unaccustomed note of timidity mingling with the imperious young voice. "I want to talk to you. Those widiculous men have been boring me to distwaction, and I want to hear about Yew Hedge. Take me into the wose garden, and tell me all about Yew Hedge." "Peggy can do that better than I, Rosalind. I have been down only for a few hours.

"Only if you are going to love people, you genewally do it without twying, and if you don't love them, little things aggwavate you, and rub you the wong way, which you would never notice in people you really cared for! Everscourt is a good fellow, but he worries me to distwaction sometimes, and I am so afraid of getting cwoss. I don't want him to think me bad-tempered.