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But it is impossible to understand a word she says. She laughs. Leopold has sent me thirteen fresh eggs, which I will reserve for little Georges and little Jeanne. Louis Blanc came to dine with me. He came on behalf of Edmond Adam, Louis Jourdan, Cernuschi and others to tell me that he and I must go to Trochu and summon him to save Paris or resign. I refused.

"Alas! he is too old to return to the Church!" Charles tells me that Jules Simon and his two sons passed the night drawing up lists of possible candidates for the National Assembly. Cernuschi is having himself naturalized a French citizen! January 29. The armistice was signed yesterday. It was published this morning. The National Assembly will be elected between February 5 and 18.

His place, one would have said, was in the council-chamber, with the soberer heads; but that was an hour when every man gave his blood where it was most needed, and Cernuschi, Dandolo, Anfossi, della Porta fought shoulder to shoulder with students, artisans and peasants.

M. Louis Koch paid 25 francs for a copy of the Rappel at the bazar in aid of the poor. The copy of Les Chatiments was purchased by M. Cernuschi for 300 francs. December 27. Violent cannonade this morning. The firing of this morning was an attack by the Prussians. A good sign. Waiting annoys them. Us, too. They threw nineteen shells, which killed nobody, into the Fort of Montrouge. Mme.

Afterwards we went to the Place de la Concorde. At the foot of the flower-crowned statue of Strasburg is a register. Everybody comes to sign the resolution of public thanks. I inscribed my name. The crowd at once surrounded me. The ovation of the other night was about to recommence. I hurried to my carriage. Among the persons who called upon me was Cernuschi. September 11.

This club is usually presided over by M. Cernuschi, a banker, who was in bad odour with the Imperial Government for having subscribed a large sum for the electoral campaign against the Plebiscite. Another club is held at the Folies Bergères, an old concert-hall, something like the Alhambra.