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It had been some time since he had shaken hands with Major Belwether; it was apparent that the bird had not aged any. "And now for the shooting!" said the Major with an arch smile. "Now for the stag at bay and the winding horn 'Where sleeps the moon On Mona's rill Eh, Siward? 'And here's to the hound With his nose upon the ground Eh, my boy?

After a few moments she began to feel doubtful, a little uneasy, partly from a reaction which was natural, partly because she was not at all sure what either Quarrier or Major Belwether would think of the terms she was already on with Siward. Suppose they objected? She had never thwarted either of these gentlemen.

It was up to you, and you did not stir!" "Stir!" echoed the other man, exasperated. "Of course I did not stir. What did I know about it? Do you think I care to give a man like Mortimer a hold on me by admitting I knew anything? or Belwether do you think I care to have that man know anything about my private and personal business?

And it was not a question as to "which would be good to him," observed Major Belwether, with his misleading and benevolent mirth; "it was, which would be goodest quickest!" And Mrs. Mortimer, abandoning Captain Voucher by the same token, displayed certain warning notices perfectly comprehensive to her husband. And at first he was inclined to recognise defeat.

Plank, when he met him, was civil enough, though it did occur to Mortimer that he saw very little of Plank in these days. "Ungrateful beggar!" he thought bitterly; "he's toadying to Belwether now. I can't do anything more for him, so I don't interest him."