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Updated: August 28, 2024

According to De Faria, the hostages demanded on this occasion were six principal men of the Bramin cast, whose names were brought from Portugal by Cabral, by the advice of Bontaybo or Moncayde, the Moor who went off with De Gama. Astl. I. 43. b. Named by De Faria, Coje Cimireci. Astl. I. 44, a.

Likewise, by the procurement of Pedro Gonzalves, a person in the service of Don Antonio one of the officers of the king of Portugal, Thomas Dassel and others had been betrayed, if it had not pleased the Almighty to reveal and prevent the same. It appears, however from Kelly's ship being at the same time upon the coast, that others as well as the patentees carried on this trade. Astl.

This name is probably erroneously substituted for Sou-chew; as that is the regular station for retracing their former journey, which the text distinctly indicates to have been the case hitherto. This month began on Thursday the twenty-fifth December, 1421. Astl. According to Forster, they recommenced their journey in the month of January, 1421.

The 13th we put into Dartmouth, where we staid till the 12th December, when we sailed with a west wind, and by the blessing of God we anchored on the 18th December 1591, at Limehouse in the river Thames, where we discharged 589 sacks of pepper, 150 elephants teeth, and 32 barrels of palm oil. Astl.

Even the great desert, which extends 750 miles from north to south, almost to the river Senegal, is thinly interspersed by several wandering tribes of the Azanhaji. Called Tombuto in the original, and Ataubat in Grynaeus. Astl. Hoden stands in an ouasis, or watered island, in the sea of sand, or great desert, about lat. 19°20'N. and W. long. 11°40'. E.

This is certainly So-chew, near the entrance of the great wall in Shensi. Astl. Called by Forster Katasekt-schen, Sekt-scheu, Schel- scheu, or Su-tcheu. This commentary on tea is placed in the text of Forster, and is therefore here preserved in the same form, though no part of the original. An arpent is a French measure nearly one and a half of which are equal to an English acre. Astl.

The united squadron wintered in this island, where they suffered severe hardships from scarcity of provisions. This army is said to have amounted to 50,000 men. Panani is six leagues from Cochin. Astl. This person is named Naubea Daring by Astley, and is said to have been nephew to the zamorin. Astl. In Astley this prince is called the nephew of the rajah of Cochin. Astl.

Named Inhazato. Sofala is in lat. 13°S. and almost 36°E. from Greenwich. According to De Faria, this person was uncle to the king of Melinda, and was named Sheikh Foteyma. Astl. I. 41. b.

Otherwise Dagis and Dakgis Astl. Called Lenger in Forster, who gives, as synonymous, Ab-lenger and Abi- longur; which merely repeat the original name Lenger, with the prefix abi, which signifies water or river.

Otherwise Kamgiou or Kan-chew, the Kampion or Kainpiou of Marco Polo; which is a city of Shen-si, near the great wall and the desert. Astl. In Forsters account of this journey, the ambassadors arrived from the Karaul, or fortified pass, at Natschieu, Nang-tsiew, or Naa-tsieu; after which, they are said to have arrived at Kham-tcheou, the Kan- chew of the text.

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