United States or Iran ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

So, at half-past eight I was sipping my coffee in the aforesaid hostelry, with a London newspaper before me, which was unusually interesting, and some German journals, which, 'in hate of a wrong not theirs', were one and all seething with rancorous Anglophobia. At nine I was in the Jewish quarter, striking bargains in an infamous marine slop-shop.

Several of the many plans submitted by private persons, who here describe them in their own words, are worth examination; and some, it may be mentioned, are amusing in the naïveté of their Anglophobia and in their obvious indifference to the elementary principles of naval strategy. In this indifference they have some distinguished companions.

"Sir Edward also spoke of being somewhat 'depressed' by the fierce opposition to the President on the tolls question the extent of Anglophobia in the United States. "Here is a place for a campaign of education Chautaqua and whatnot. "The amount of Anglophobia is great. But I doubt if it be as great as it seems; for it is organized and is very vociferous.

Men may hate because of ignorance, but they may hate also because of understanding. Baroudi had been brought up in an atmosphere of Anglophobia. His father, though very rich, had lost place and power through the English. He had once had the upper hand with many of his countrymen. He had the upper hand no longer, would never have it again.

Can Seward for a moment believe that Wikoff knows Europe, or has any influence? He may know the low resorts there. Can Seward be fool enough to irritate England, and entangle this country? Even my anglophobia cannot stand it. Wrote about it warning letters to New York, to Barney, to Opdyke, to Wadsworth, &c. The whole District a great camp; the best population from the North in rank and file.