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According to the report of the Kailouees they have destroyed all the Walad Suleiman, killed them every one. They went against the Arabs ten thousand strong; some of the enemy, however, are said to have died of hunger. It is, besides, reported that the people of Bornou assisted in their destruction. Abd-el-Galeel himself is rumoured to have been killed.

The whitewashed marabout of Bou Darbalah gleamed a little distance in front of the place, which in itself is now a heap of ruins, having been destroyed by Abd-el-Galeel, on account of the resistance of the inhabitants to his usurped authority.

Laghareefah, like Edree, had been destroyed by the brilliant, though ruthless usurper, Abd-el-Galeel, on account of its resistance to his authority. The old town is at a little distance from the new, and was evidently a much better-built place, commanded by an earthen kasr or fortress.

Commence crossing the Hamadah Last Pillar of the Romans Travelling in the Desert Rapid March Merry Blacks Dawn Temperature Ali returns Day-travelling Night-feelings Animals Graves of Children Mirage Extent of the Plateau It breaks up Valley of El-Hasee Farewell to the Hamadah Arduous Journey The Camel-drivers New Country Moral and religious Disquisitions The Chaouches Reach Edree Abd-el-Galeel Description of Edree Subterranean Dwellings Playing at Powder The Kaïd Arabic Literature Desertion of the Zintanah Leave Edree Sandy Desert Bou Keta the Camel-driver Wady El-Makmak The Lizard Reach Wady Takadafah Sand Another Embroglio.

In these gardens, as in most of the oases of the desert, the fruit trees that require most protection from the sun are planted between the palms, which make a kind of roof with their long leaves. Abd-el-Galeel destroyed many of these groves to punish their owners, refractory to his authority.

Since the departure of Abd-el-Galeel with his Arab followers, the Walad Suleiman, for the neighbourhood of Bornou, the province of Fezzan has certainly enjoyed profound tranquillity.

I guessed about two hundred reals; Yusuf thought the same. It appeared that this waistcoat was the property of Abd-el-Galeel, and was taken as plunder during the last expedition of the Kailouees against the Walad Suleiman. There are several slaves also at Seloufeeat, who once were the property of these Arabs.