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There are several roads from the Wady to Mourzuk, all much about the same distance. It is said, also, that Ghât is only ten days from Laghareefah.

Their numbers are not great, perhaps scarcely more than a thousand souls in all Fezzan; but they live in a state of entire independence, and pay no contributions to the Porte. We passed the first well and came up with the true Fezzanees at the village of Laghareefah, where we encamped.

More sandy Desert Fatiguing March Water and Herbage Water-drinking Sight the Plateau over the Mourzuk Hot Wind Arrival in El-Wady Tuaricks Laghareefah Fezzanees The Chaouches astray The Sheikh Abd-el-Hady Description of the Oasis Tempest Native Huts Official Visits Desert News Camel-drivers Ruins of Azerna Move on The Kaïd Modest Requests Ladies of the Wady Leave the Oasis Vast Plain Instinct of the Camel Reach Agar Reception Precede the Caravan Reach Mourzuk Mr.

It is situated in Wady Gharbee, more properly called El-Wady par excellence, on account of its superior fertility and culture. There is also Wady Sherky, and several others; as Etsaou, Akar, Um-el-Hammâm, Takruteen, and Aujar. The people of Laghareefah are all of a black-brown hue, and some had the ordinary negro features.

Laghareefah, like Edree, had been destroyed by the brilliant, though ruthless usurper, Abd-el-Galeel, on account of its resistance to his authority. The old town is at a little distance from the new, and was evidently a much better-built place, commanded by an earthen kasr or fortress.