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We have sometimes moral disquisitions among our people. This day we had a dispute on religion. The Zintanah, a real orthodox Musulman, maintained a strict distinction between the believers and unbelievers, giving heaven to the former and hell to the latter. Yusuf and several more tolerant gentlemen held out hope of mercy to us all, as God was "the Compassionate and the Merciful."

This evening it was announced as an event that the Zintanah, a servant of the Germans, was going to Tripoli, having resolved to return home. Some said one thing about him, some another; but most, "He's afraid of the fever of Mourzuk." The fellow came afterwards to me, asking for letters to Tripoli.

Commence crossing the Hamadah Last Pillar of the Romans Travelling in the Desert Rapid March Merry Blacks Dawn Temperature Ali returns Day-travelling Night-feelings Animals Graves of Children Mirage Extent of the Plateau It breaks up Valley of El-Hasee Farewell to the Hamadah Arduous Journey The Camel-drivers New Country Moral and religious Disquisitions The Chaouches Reach Edree Abd-el-Galeel Description of Edree Subterranean Dwellings Playing at Powder The Kaïd Arabic Literature Desertion of the Zintanah Leave Edree Sandy Desert Bou Keta the Camel-driver Wady El-Makmak The Lizard Reach Wady Takadafah Sand Another Embroglio.